Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Post 26: two colleagues' posts about what they have learned. Use quotes.

I chose Thomas Smith's blog he said" I learned how to analyze and break down readings better." This is also something that I learned it is preparing me for my next English class.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Post 25: the most important thing you've learned in this class from the literature we read.

In the story A Rose for Emily the most important thing I learned was that you have to live your life the way that you want to not how somebody else wants you to. Things are going to happen in life but at the end of the day they are your choices and decisions. Just because one bad thing happens that does not mean you have to stop living. The best thing to do is to talk to someone about your issues. For example, Emily stops dating because her father told her that she could no longer date.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Post 24: comparing and contrasting your post to two colleagues' posts about women in modern family life. Use quotes.

I chose Siobhan Neal's post she said "The role of woman in modern lifestyle now is outrageous. The woman I hang around they are manageable and able to teach you things that you may not know about.'' 

I also chose Akeryah post she said 'The role of women in modern family life is more on being independent. They don't wait until someone or their husband tells them what to do or how to things, they go out and do it on their own."
Both of these colleagues said that the woman does not wait for the husband and that they pretty much know how to do things because of what they have been through growing up. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Post 23: the role of women in modern family life.

The role of women in modern family life is to help provide for the children along with the father. The woman cooks and cleans the house. She also works and does everyone's laundry. The woman has her own responsibilities as well outside of the family.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 22: plot of your favorite movie.

My favorite movie is Skyfall. The plot of this movie is that James Bond is on a  mission to keep a computer drive that includes a list of British agents from being used against them. He goes after the man that has it and they fight on top of a moving train. Eve who is an assistant is told to take a shot at the man James Bond is fighting she shoots Bond instead and he falls off the train into a river and they believe that he is dead. It turns out that Bond has being laying low he finally returns.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Post 21: setting of your favorite TV show and what the setting means for the show.

My favorite TV show is Love and Hip-hop Atlanta the setting as you can see from the title is in the city of Atlanta. What does the setting mean for the show? Well it pretty much just means it is about artists and singers living their lives in this big city. The setting provides them with a lot of opportunity to grow their music.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post 20: develops a metaphor about what you think about poetry◾1 post by Saturday about that develops a metaphor about what you think about poetry.

Using metaphors in poetry allows it to bring the imagery to life. It gives you a better understanding of what the poem is about. Metaphors make the poetry more interesting and engaging for the reader. Sometimes when people write poetry they use metaphors to express what they are trying to say better.