Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post 14: 2 of your colleagues' favorite poems or lyrics.

I chose Siobhan Neal's post about her favorite song  lyric she said, "My favorite song lyric is Adele Song "Hello".  The songwriter emphasis that she has a phone in the middle of nowhere and she needs to get reception and and the towers that are there and she wants to talk to her loved one. They been going through hell and back. She is out of town and she wants him to return her call. I also like this song lyric from Adele because you can actually feel the same pain that she does.

I also chose to use Breanna Williams post about her favorite movie. She said, "My favorite movie is  The Notebook its about two young lovers who want to be together so bad but they are just way to different they come from different back grounds the girl grows up rich and wealthy but her lover was poor. Her parents did not  approve of their relationship so they move away . I have never seen this movie before but it sounds interesting.

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